I am discovering I haven't updated the Blog since I signed up for Scentsy. Time to get back at it.
It's spring break at our house and we are having fun. We went ice skating yesterday and the big kids enjoyed it. Ethan got to run around the building to his little hearts content while everyone else skated. I also ran into a high school friend and got to talk to her for a but, too.
Tyler and Kayli got tired after awhile so we got out the stroller and took Ethan on a short walk. Tyler walked us over to a really nice playground I didn't even know was there. Go, Tyler! It's the equal access playground I had been trying to find for years! I thought a different playground set at the park was and couldn't see how it was equal access. Now I know why. Haha.
Ethan had so much fun he started to fall asleep in the swing so we decided to wrap it up. Oh boy, was he ever mad about that. And then, of course, he promptly fell asleep in his car seat and was snoring by the time he got home. Cute kid.